
About Wallerdog Gaming

Welcome to the Wallerdog Gaming Website!

Wallerdog Gaming is Born

I decided to pursue a gaming YouTube channel in October of 2016. It took me 3 months, but by the end of December 2016 I had gained 100 subscribers on my channel. At the time I was playing Red Crucible Firestorm.

Late December/early January of 2017 I changed games and started to play World of Tanks Blitz and World of Tanks (PC). The Blitz version was easier for me to learn and play so I played that most of the time. I learned that by live streaming I could attract more people to my Wallerdog Gaming channel and was live streaming as much as I could.

By mid-2017 I had 1,000 subscribers and my YouTube channel was qualified to be monetized!

It was also at that time that I made my first visit to Tankfest in the United Kingdom.

I Love Making Difficult Things Easy To Do For You

I enjoy helping people do things in the games that they play that aren’t easy to understand when trying to follow the owners instructions. Like “How to Leave a Clan” in World of Tanks, man! That video has a lot of views and people saying thanks for making the video.

I Want to Build a Community of Like Minded Gamers

I’m here to help you out in some games that I play or just to allow you to say hi when I’m traveling around Europe of the United States.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,


Wallerdog Gaming Channel

2 thoughts on “About Wallerdog Gaming”

  1. Let’s all devote ourselves and realize the joint game YouTuber of the Korea-U.S. alliance.

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